UBAA Annual Events
Legacy Scholarship Dinner
The Legacy Dinner is our signature event. It not only raises funds, but it is like a
reunion for UCLA Black Grads. This event must be developed into an annual event
that members look forward to each year. This event is a public event so it gives us the
ability to highlight UBAA and the work we do. This gives us a great opportunity to thank
all of our supporters and sponsors, and gives us a platform to develop new sponsors.
Black Convocation
We are committed to participate and UBAA has been slotted into the program and has
several members positioned to participate in the event on multiple levels up to and
including public speaking, coaching and mentoring the new Black student UCLA admits.
UBAA Admit/Yield Dinner
The UBAA Admit/Yield Recognition Event is an opportunity for UBAA to establish a
relationship with the students that have been admitted to UCLA so that they actually
choose us as their school.
High Potential H.S. Student Recruitment Meet & Greet
UBAA is taking a strategic, proactive approach to recruit the top students nationwide, specifically Black High School seniors who have
exceptional GPAs and test scores. We want these students to know that they are wanted and welcome to apply to UCLA by inviting them to a social, informative gathering attended by UCLA Alumni, Staff & Faculty. The parents are also invited to get a feel for the UCLA culture
and ask questions about the application process.
UBAA Admissions Seminar
UBAA and the Alliance (L. A. Urban league, NAACP, UBAA) will host a application
seminar aimed at reaching out and assisting prospective students with the application
process. It is also designed for the students to develop relationships and see what the
campus, faculty, staff and support organizations have to offer. The idea is to contact and
compete for the best before they apply.
UBAA Annual Family Picnic
We get together every year to re-connect and have fun with our families with the goal
being to increase our membership, so you’re invited! We eat, we talk, we have fun!
Keep an eye on the website to get the date.
Football Tailgate Events
We gather at the Rose Bowl to have fun before the game, and at halftime…..with
some staying the entire game we have so much fun!
Join us at the new Pauley Pavilion or designated Sports Bars/Restaurants while we
fellowship and cheer o the BruinsMen’s & Women’s basketball team.
UBAA Annual Ski Trip
This event is the place to be for you skiers and non-skiers! Every year we get together and go to Mammoth on party buses for a skiing weekend of unbelievable fun! Come join us and make some memories!
UBAA Sponsored Monthly Workshops/Forums/Gatherings
Holiday Annual Toy Drive & Spoken Word Gathering
State of Black LA Annual Town Hall Forum
UBAA-Bruin Business Development Networking Events
Black Genealogy Speakers Forum
Educators Forum
Social Media Etiquette Workshop
UBAA "Let’s Move Bruins!"
UBAA Around the World~International Excursions
Backpacks for Homeless Vets
Membership Drive(s)
Membership is the cornerstone of our organization. No members, limited functionality=limited success. We will use every event and program as a platform to increase membership and participation.
UBAA Annual Ski Weekend @ Mammoth Lakes
UBAA Tailgate- UCLA v USC @ Rosebowl
UBAA Legacy Scholarship Dinner